Over 472,000 videos | |
Movies from over 2,000 professional porn sites | |
Member interaction | |
Good navigation | |
Mobile & Desktop |
Many short clips | |
Pre-video adverts | |
No Model index | |
Limited interaction |
Yes, ProPorn is a completely free-to-use porn tube, and it holds a huge number of videos. These is a mix of short clips and full scenes, with some compilations running for hours at a time. Everything can be streamed and downloaded, there are ways to upgrade to a free membership and get more involved, and it only shows porn from top adult industry sites and studios. Split into three main sections, straight, gay and trans, ProPorn continues to add more porn, it offers an easy-to-use interface that works on mobiles and desktops, and it brings you a mix of professional porn stars and amateurs, while seeking only the best quality clips.
If you check out the straight section index pages, you will find there are already over 9,800 of them, each one holding 40 sample shots. The first was uploaded nearly 10 years ago, and over that time, ProPorn has continued to update and add new samples as new sites and movies come online. It’s a massive tube collection, offering you hundreds of categories and tags for easy searching, and giving you a wealth of professionally made porn, and that means HD movies (when available), and a well-run, free sex video service. Here are some more details:
ProPorn holds a category page with 103 straight categories, 49 gay categories and 37 trans porn channels, and splits its content into those three main headings, so you can easily flick between them. The category page tells you how many vids per heading, such as Amateur (258,123), and by clicking one, you are taken directly to that collection. There is also a page listing all 2,000 + sites from which the porn comes, and these often tell you if membership to those sites is on special offer, so you not only have a lot of porn, but also a lot of discount membership offers.
It’s easy to watch the free porn at ProPorn, it works like any other tube site. Head over there, find a thumbnail sample you like the look of, or use the category search, and simply hit the thumbnail. The viewing page opens with all the standard viewing features, and you click the screen to play. There will be a short advert, but once you can skip that, you sit and watch the porn unfold. There are also download buttons (once registered), but downloads can be slow to come down.
VIP upgrade: Hitting the Premium button takes you to FapHouse where you can find more porn, sign up and pay to view, and become a member.
There is a link in your menu to ‘Live Sex HD’ and this opens StripChat in a new tab. There may be other chat/cam sites advertised before your videos or on the side of pages, but I found there was comparatively little advertising at ProPorn.
It does in that there are porn stars in the movies, because this is work from top porn studios, but there is no porn star area or model index. There is a pornstar category on the category page, and you can always look for your favourite stars with a keyword search user her name.
There’s no community area as such, no forum or way to search for other members, but you can see their profiles if you follow their link on a video page. Once you’ve taken the free membership, you can upload videos, and once accepted, they join the throng of others. Then, if someone likes your vid, they can click to see your profile. It’s pretty basic, and although you can comment on movies, you can't send other members messages (as far as I could see). You can set up a profile, and that’s about it for getting involved.
You can add the following to your profile if you want: Country, City, Name, Gender, Birthday, Relationship status, Personal website, About Me, Hobbies, Interests, Favourites and Turn Ons. Your profile, should anyone visit it, also states how long you have been a member, how many videos you've uploaded and when you last logged in.
It costs nothing to join ProPorn and watch professionally made porn movies, everything here is 100% free. There is no upgrade to a premium service, but the Premium link takes you to Fap House, a separate site offering premium porn.
No, see above. There is only a link to Fap House, a premium tube site.
ProPorn offers a staggering number of free porn clips and some full-length scenes and compilations across all three main categories of porn. If you're looking for free sex action, porn movies and quality porn-studio content, but you don't want to part with cash, ProPorn is a great place to check out. It's semi-interactive, fairly uncluttered, and unaffected by advertising, and it seems to run really well (though downloads might be slow). Free to register, free to use, and stacked with movies from top porn studios, it also offers discounted porn memberships and recommends what’s hot in the porn world today.