100% porn focused | |
Lots of interactive functions | |
Continually updated data | |
Detailed searching |
Can link to multi-advert sites | |
Some mixed results |
NudeVista is 100% dedicated to finding you the tube porn you want when you want to see it. It holds millions of links in its databank, and each one is a link to a porn result. Okay, so now and then the place it’s linking to may no longer exist, or it may link to a site that is heavy on advertising, but in those cases, you simply move to a new result. These open in new windows by default, so that’s easy, and you can hover your mouse and see the details of where you're going before you go there. NudeVista is packed with these kinds of handy interactive functions, and you can see the results in several languages. Mainly though, you're looking at a search engine that's all about porn, so you’re not going to be misled, or find non-porn results to your enquiries. It is, of course, 100% free, and there is no need for a plug-in or add-on in your browser.
NudeVista comes with a heap of handy features. You can set your preferences, so you only find the exact search results, and you can decide how many results you see per page, sort them in various ways, and choose to open results in new windows. These may be standard features of any search engine, but here at NudeVista, you know you're only going to get porn results. The main page also gives you opportunities to search for ‘bizarre video,’ gay and trans porn as a set of quick-use filters, and there is a large generic search box. Once you've searched by keyword(s), the number of results is shown, and these are always impressive numbers. Next to them are various ways to then order the results, and a set of related tag words. Results are shown in good-sized thumbnails that carry the runtime of the clip/video and a few tags so you can double check before you open the movie.
Without even searching for anything, NudeVista told me there were 37,311,180 results for ‘all tubes’, there were over 2,000,000 pictures, and 55,455 models in the model index. There is also a directory, which is a vast list of tags; a category list that covers every aspect of porn you can think of. The search engine can also be used to find straight, gay and trans porn separately. Being a search engine, what you see is up to you and depends on what you want to find, but the results are all porn-tube based. It's not without a few minor issues. After using it for a while, the layout changed from rows of results to one long list, and I couldn't find how to change it back. Some of the results open up pages where the site you're heading to is peppered with adverts and pop-ups, and where new pages appear at random. To set some preferences and make them permanent, you have to register, but that’s free, and once registered, you can customise the interface and make NudeVista your own, dedicated porn search engine.
There are many search engines dedicated to porn, and NudeVista compares well to others. Like them, it remains a free search facility and it can be customised to your preferences. Covering straight, gay and trans tube porn, your results are always going to be what you were looking for, but the quality of those results and the way each resulting site works is out of NudeVista’s control. However, it does seem to only produce trustworthy results and it filters out the dross and dodgy tube sites. On top of that, it has a massive database to search, and this it does in the blink of an eye. Fast, reliable, free and extensive, you should consider making NudeVista your preferred porn search engine.